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Coincidence or a Sign from God?

Josephine Lombardi (c) 2021

How does one explain synchronicity and coincidence in spiritual terms? From time to time, we are excited to share various experiences, noting how they touched us and got our attention because the timing was in sync with an anniversary, a feeling, or a search for answers. These special moments can mean, among other things, one of two possibilities. One the one hand, they can represent confirmation of what we are doing and thinking. Doing God’s will means doing the right thing at the right time and in the right way. Receiving or experiencing some type of sign or serendipitous moment could be confirmation that our behaviour is in harmony with God’s divine laws. This leaves us open to noticing small and big signs, indicating certain moments were designed and planned specifically for us. Author, Squire Rushnell, speaks of these moments in his book, When God Winks.

On the other hand, these moments can be attention grabbers, meaning God is trying to get our attention. Prayer connects us, helping us to participate in God’s omnipresence, one of God’s divine attributes. Our prayers or the prayers of others for us, like those of a caring parent or another loved one, including the saints, can inspire a sign, special moment or warning through which God can get our attention. God is asking us to be awake and aware, praying for the spiritual sight needed to notice His communication with us. Pray for the grace to pay attention!

Blog post found at http://www.josephinelombardi.com

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